
Missions Month

November is Missions Month, but that doesn’t stop us from getting started early! We have prayer stations around the church to learn and pray about people worldwide.


Prayer walking is “praying on-site with insight.” Allow what you see, hear, feel, smell, and taste

to help inform your prayers.
Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray.


Begin with praise and confession.
Thank God for the opportunity to partner with Him in His work by lifting up the spiritual and physical needs of the people group or community you walk through.
Confess any known sin so that you intercede with a clean heart.
Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts and prayers as you go.

If you aren’t sure what prayer needs to ask for, praying Scripture is a great place to start. Pray through any verses that come to mind. Be sure to note what passages and insights the Lord brings to your mind.

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering

Lottie Moon faithfully served the Lord as a missionary in China for many years. Learn more about her here. Since 1918, Southern Baptist Churches have been receiving an offering for International Missions named after her during the Christmas season. First Moore is excited to be joining churches all over the world with this offering as we continue to honor Lottie’s legacy and advance the gospel through out the world. Every dollar received through the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goes directly to missionaries on the field.

You can be involved with this offering in several ways. First you can join us in a week of prayer for International Missions. We will be highlighting different missionaries each day on social media beginning, Monday November 15. Second, you can give to this offering. You can give online or in person to this offering anytime before the end of 2021. We will be receiving a special offering at our Missions Banquet on November 21.