Our Purpose

As a member of First Moore Baptist Church…

We want you to Know Jesus, Follow Jesus, and Become like Jesus.

·      Seek to Know Him in a personal and intimate way by regularly communing with Him through the intake of Scripture, and with prayer and other disciplines that God has ordained as ways that I meet with Him. I will treasure Jesus above all else and make my relationship with Him a priority in my life. I understand that my relationship with Jesus is by grace and through faith alone, meaning God deserves all the glory for this work.


·      Seek to Follow Jesus by submitting to His Word as the authority for my life and by striving to walk in obedience to it. I will use His life as the example of how I am to live, seeking to glorify and please the Father because of His love for me and, in turn, loving others the way that He does. I will strive to go where He sends me and will do what He asks of me, placing His will above my own. I will follow the leadership of His Spirit who has been given to me as a guide and a help, as well as bringing comfort and conviction.


·      Seek to Become like Jesus, trusting that as I seek to Know Him and Follow Him, He will transform me into His image. I will ask the Lord to give me His heart and to make me holy as He is holy. I will trust that as I make Him the focus and prize of my life, the result will be a complete renewal from the inside out, becoming a new person made in the image of Christ.

In addition, we want you to strive to make these five principles a priority in your life and live them out corporately as part of the body of Christ.

·      Exalt – I will live a lifestyle of worship. I will see my entire life as an opportunity to bring God glory and will live with that goal in mind, offering my life as a living sacrifice. I will make the regular, corporate gathering of the body of Christ a priority, as God has set His people apart to congregate regularly for the glory of His name.

·      Equip – I will make being a disciple of Jesus a priority. I will trust that God has given me the church as a grace to help me grow in grace and knowledge of Him. I will seek to be equipped by church leadership as given by Christ for the work of the ministry and will seek to do my part in equipping and discipling others for the glory of God.

·      Embrace – I will strive to walk in a Biblical community with my church family, putting others' interests ahead of my own. I will, in love and humility, consider others as more important than myself. I will put into practice the “one another’s” of the Bible and will see the body of Christ as a grace given to me by God to help me grow in Christlikeness. I will make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit and will handle any disputes or disagreements in the way Scripture commands. I will show grace and mercy to others as God has shown them to me.

·      Empower – I will make serving others a priority and will do my best to empower others to do the same. I will serve others as Jesus did, knowing that it is by serving and becoming least that I will be great in the eyes of God. I will use the spiritual gifts that God has given me to build up the body of Christ, strengthening my brothers and sisters, as well as generously giving of the other resources (including time, abilities, finances…) to strengthen the body. I will strive to live openhanded with my life, humbly serving others as Jesus modeled and has served me.

·      Engage – I will seek to engage the world in which I live with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I will take His commands to be His witness and to make disciples both near and far as my life’s mission. I will live my life in such a way that it gives evidence of the power of the gospel. I will proclaim the truth of the gospel as I am given opportunity, whether that is near, far, or to the end of the earth.

become a Member

Here are three ways in which we receive members at first moore.

  1. You have Received Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
    If you have received Jesus Christ as your personal Savior and Lord and will be baptized by immersion as a representation of your faith, we will welcome you as a member.

  2. By "Letter"
    If you are coming from a Baptist church of like faith, have trusted Christ, and been baptized by immersion, we will welcome you as a member. We will take care of the details of transferring your membership.

  3. By Statement of Faith and Baptism
    If you have been baptized by immersion after your conversion in a church of like faith and believe your baptism is a testimony of your salvation experience, we will welcome you as a member.