
Missions Month

November is Missions Month, but that doesn’t stop us from getting started early! We have prayer stations around the church to learn and pray about people worldwide.


Prayer walking is “praying on-site with insight.” Allow what you see, hear, feel, smell, and taste

to help inform your prayers.
Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you as you pray.


Begin with praise and confession.
Thank God for the opportunity to partner with Him in His work by lifting up the spiritual and physical needs of the people group or community you walk through.
Confess any known sin so that you intercede with a clean heart.
Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts and prayers as you go.

If you aren’t sure what prayer needs to ask for, praying Scripture is a great place to start. Pray through any verses that come to mind. Be sure to note what passages and insights the Lord brings to your mind.

Student Mission Trip Opportunity

This summer, we are planning a Student Mission Trip to New Orleans for July 16-22. We are partnering with Mission Lab at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. The mission opportunities will be things like Backyard Bible Club, homeless ministry, street witnessing, prayer walking, light construction, yard work, worship leading, etc. We will also have some fun sightseeing and tourism opportunities in the city of New Orleans. We are also planning on helping students raise funds who might need financial assistance. If you are interested in this trip, please contact Daniel or Jason.

Week of Prayer

There is a great mission field among us in North America. The North American Mission Board is working to spread the gospel in the darkest places. Join us in praying for North American Missions and the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering from March 27-April 3. Our church will be focusing our efforts on this offering at our Mission Banquet in December but if you would like to give now you can do so through the button below.